Thursday, 17 May 2012

Tutorial Seven

  • Hi Sophie,
    I really like how you have described how a simple cup of tea as being something that is so meaningful because it can build relationship. I was wondering if you could tell what happened on your placement when someone turned down a cup of tea, or did anyone ever turn down a cup of tea?
    1. Hi Jessica,
      Great question. For those who did not want a cup of tea or who were unable to have a cup of tea still were a part of this as it was seen as a "ritual". They sat around the table and still interacted with those who were having a cup of tea. Most of the time the service users had a cup of tea as they found it a great time to all be together and interact with one another.
  • Oh that sounds like a great way to interact with others and build relationships. Your placement also sounds like it was a very fun placement. Thank you for your reply.

    Above shows the comments that i posted on a interesting blog.
  • Tutorial Eight - Assistive Technology

    Tutorial Eight – Assistive technology

    Assistive technology has been around or many years. Assistive technology can be defined as "the applications of science, engineering, and other disciplines that result in processes, methods, or inventions that support people with disabilities" (Bryant & Bryant, 2003, p.2).   I perceive assistive technology as a form of technology that aids an individual to achieve a particular task.  These tasks can range from eating to communicating.  There are many form of assistive technology however assistive technology is generally divided into two groups.  These groups are high tech assistive technology or low-tech assistive technology.  High tech technology is generally seen as those ‘fancy’ gadgets for example a gadget that assists in speech and communication.  Low-tech technology is generally seen as being technology that assists individuals every day with little tasks such as a adapted spoon to help with the task of eating.

    As there are many forms of assistive technology there is one in particular that I have become rather interested in.  This would be the powered wheel chair.  In my eyes this is the top shelf technology for all assistive technology.  It was during our recent assistive technology lecture with Dave Speden from Kimi Ora School in Wellington that I was made aware of the technology and electronics behind one of these amazing high-powered machines.  Kimi Ora school is a school for children who have high needs to Dave deals with a lot of assistive technology.  Through this lecture I gained insight of how important a powered wheel chair is for a child in fact any individual.  This piece of assistive equipment can give individuals limited amounts of freedom and independence, through the use of powered wheel chair individuals can achieve the quality of life that any ‘normal’ person achieves.

    Right so power wheel chairs there are so many different place to start.  Basically there are some many types of powered wheel chairs.  Now days they can be designed for a individual so the power chair suites their specific needs.  Power chairs vary I sixe, controls, drive types, seating and any general features.  When looking into a powered chair people must look into it very heavily, they need to see if a powered chair is actually going to give a individual their full independence.

    There are three main types of chairs available; these are rear wheel drive, mid wheel drive and front wheel drive.  Rear wheel drive simply means that the drive wheel are located at the back of the chair.  Having rear wheel drive means that you generally need a larger turning circle.  Mid and from wheel drive means that the drive wheels are located closer to the front of the chair, which therefore means that the chair is very maneuverable.

    The bellow you tube clip is on the general types of powered chairs that are on today’s market.  Form this clip you can see that there are a lot of chair to choose from that is why it is always important to see what chair suites you the best.

    The next clip shows the way in which a powered chair can create independence for individuals.  Imagine if this young girl did not have a powered chair she would not be able to have independence and would not be able to play and do things that she enjoys.

    Bryant, D.P., & Bryant, B.R. (2003). Assistive technology for people with disabilities. Boston MA: Pearson

    Tutorial Six - The Internet and online communities

    Tutorial six
    The Internet and online communities
    For this blog I am going to explore the Internet and provide a overview of three online communities that are intended for people that have a TBI or have a loved one experiencing a TBI.  These communities are generally were people can find information, ask questions and find support for what they are experiencing.  These sights are not necessarily just for a individual that has a TBI but for their family and loved ones to share stories to other families or individuals experiencing a TBI.

    The first online community that I would like to explore is brain song, which is a non-profit organisation for females that have experienced a TBI.  This community comes complete with a mission statement.  People that wish to join this community are required to sign up with a password and username.  This site offers resources and information only for members however you cannot access any medical advise, diagnosis or treatment.  You cannot access any information or resources unless you are a member of brain song.  This community is a worldwide site, which has an origin of USA so I imagine that many of the users are from USA.  This site has built in security, which means the site is being monitored and abuse is unlikely to occur.

    The second online community that I would like to explore is brain injury New Zealand  This site provides information and resources about brain injury.  This is not a forum type website but is relevant as it has links to many web pages, books and dvd’s were individuals are able to further their understanding of brain injury.  This website provides information about education and courses that people who sustain a brain injury can attend.  Brian injury New Zealand provides contact detail for individuals to ring and ask any further questions.  The only downfall is that people cannot contribute information to this site however that is what makes it a very security friendly site, which is not likely to abuse.

    The last online community that I am going to explore is daily strength  This is a community where people can post about their experiences with TBI and how is affecting them or their family.  Same again with this webpage you don’t only need to be a sufferer but you can be a family member or loved one that is confused or hurt about what your loved one is experiencing.  Daily strength is open to anyone which means that there is a lack of security and that the page is open to some level of abuse, however in order to post on this site you are needed to sign up and provide and password and username.  Daily strength connects individuals from all over the world and allows individuals to post anonymously and receive feedback and support from other members of the site.

    Two out of the three sites that I have recognized allows posters/members to contribute and ask questions online.  I feel that there is a increase in these sorts of webpages as they are anonymous.  These sites are important, as some individuals may be scared to face a health professional or family but knowing that there are online communities that these individuals can turn to and confide in other individuals.  There are two ways of information sharing on these sites.  Information can be shared by using one-way information, which may be medical information that is posted that cannot be commented on or discussed about.  The second form of information is two-way information, which is posted and discussed about between people were they can express there feeling and experiences then gain feedback from others.

    Tutorial five - Video production sessions

    Tutorial five: Video production sessions

    This blog is all about looking at five online sources that relate to Brain injury.  The reason why I have chosen to explore brain injury is because on second fieldwork placement I was in a physical disability home in Dunedin.  I was placed with a 19-year-old boy that had been a serious car accident who obtained a traumatic brain injury (TBI).  My first few times that I went to this placement I was very overwhelmed as I had never interacted with a individual that had a TBI.  Over time I adjusted and built a relationship with this young man that I would call a very life changing experience.  I have selected videos from YouTube that help explain brain injuries and also demonstrate how occupational therapist help in the rehabilitation process.  Online videos and recourses are a great source of information for people that may have just recently received a TBI and are coming to term with the injury.

    The first video that I am posting is about the basic facts of a TBI.  This video explores the symptoms and how a TBI can change ones life instantly.

    This next video shows the techniques the occupational therapist use to aid in rehabilitation for patients that have TBI.  Using wii as an adaptive recovery tool creates meaningful occupation for patients that have sustained a TBI.

    This next video is about a young boy that obtained a TBI in a snow boarding accident.  It shows his progress over time and how he learnt to walk, speak and live like he previously did before his accident.

    This video is relevant as it is about a lady named Helen who sustained a TBI after hiking.  This video shows snippets of the way in which a occupational therapist aid in the life of a TBI patient.  Helen says how the occupational therapist played a major role in her life as the therapist helped her return to her previous function.

    This video covers the occupational therapist role after a individual have sustained a TBI.  They talk about the different types of interventions that would be taken and talk about when the occupational therapist would begin to work with a individual who sustained a TBI.  This video also covers the task that the occupational therapist will cover so aid for the individual to return to original function and how they functioned before the injury.

    References: (2007). Brain injury recovery video. Retrieved 27th April 2012 from: (2008). Basic facts about traumatic Brain Injury. Retrieved 27th April 2012 from:

  (2009). Brain injury rehabilitation using Wii recreational therapy. Retrieved 27th April 2012 from: (2010). Occupational therapy and Brain Injury - Helen's Story. Retrieved 27th April 2012 from: (2011). Occupational Therapy after traumatic brain injury. Retrieved 27th April 2012 from

    Tutorial Four - Video production session

    Tutorial four
    Video production

    This was a very interesting and fun task to do.  For this task we had to obviously create a short film.  Our film was called the life of a poor student.  The life of a poor student was based around occupational deprivation and how a female occupational therapy student was deprived of money, which means she was unable to participate in activities that she wished.  Occupational deprivation is defined as “A state of prolonged preclusion from engagement occupations of necessity or meaning due to factors outside the control of an individual such as through geographical isolation, incarceration or disability" (Christansen & townsend, 2010).  Firstly we decided this topic would be relevant as we are all ‘poor Otago students’ and we know how it is to be deprived of something that we want oooohhh so much due to money, for example that one pair of shoes that you want, the ring you want which is way out of your price range and that one movie that you would die to see but cant because you cant afford it.

    The way we portrayed this film was a occupational therapy student studying hard and not having enough money to participate in leisure activities with her friends, having to get up early for class and unable to buy food, all due to the lack of money she had.  The life of a poor student ended with the girl graduating with honors from occupational therapy, due to the sacrifices she made to get what she deserved and what she wanted.  Through occupational deprivation there are positives and negatives in the long run you may get what you want but in the short term picture you may be deprived of something that you want now.

    Christansen, H & Townsend, A. (2010) An introduction to Occupation the art and science of living. Pearson inc.

    Tutorial two - occupational engagment

    Tutorial two
    Occupational engagement.
    Doing, being, becoming and belonging.

    This power point had to link to doing, being, becoming and belonging.  Through baking I have illustrated that these concepts can be achieved.  My fieldwork two placement was where I facilitated baking.  The setting was a home for individuals that have physical disabilities.  I was working with a 19-year-old boy that had a traumatic brain injury.  He enjoyed baking, so through baking he was able to achieve doing, being, becoming and belonging.  Baking is defined to “cook food by dry heat without direct exposure to a flame, typically in an oven or on a hot surface” (, 2012)

    The term doing is defined as the “activities in which a particular person engages” (, 2012).  The doing part of baking is a key aspect of baking as it is a way in which individuals learn, individuals learn through physically participating in baking or through past experience. Doing is illustrated in this power point several times through the images of the individual participating in the activity of baking.

    The term being is defined as “the state or quality of having existence.  Something, such as an object, an idea, or a symbol, that exists, is thought to exist, or is represented as existing” (The Free Dictionary, 2012).  Being is illustrated as it is the symbol that baking holds.  Through creativeness and expression individuals are able to ‘be’.  Being is shown through the creativeness that the individual’s holds/show through the baking; this can be shown in the slides that have the finished product of baking.

    The term belonging is defined as ‘be rightly classified in or assigned to a specified category” (, 2012).  Belonging through baking is evident as it can symbolize individuals belonging to a group or culture.  Belonging in a group means social acceptance, which gives an individual a sense that they belong.  The group can be a culture, class or friends.

    The last term becoming is defined as “any process of change” (, 2012).  Becoming can be illustrated as individuals may grow through experience of baking and further their knowledge and become a baker.  We may also become through learning from others, and creating a future in baking.

    Lastly there were 3 examples of ethical consideration that I made in relation to the images I obtained.  Firstly I gained consent from the individuals in the personal images I took.  Secondly I used APA referencing when using images from the Internet.  Lastly I was confidential by not stating what my placement setting was and by not naming the client I worked with predominately in this setting.

    References (2012). Define baking. Retrieved from (2012). Define becoming. Retrieved from (2012). Define belonging. Retrieved from (2012). Define doing. Retrieved from

    The Free Dictionary. (2012). Define being. Retrieved from

    Tutorial Two - Occupational engagement

    Occupational engagement. Doing, being, becoming and belonging.
    View more PowerPoint from Jessicaboyce-PO1

    Friday, 13 April 2012

    Tutorial one - Information technology and ethical issues

    My first post is all about information technology and ethical issues related to information technology.  I will define information technology and information communications technology and interpret these into my own words, then go on to discuss information technology in relation to occupational therapy and enabling occupation.

    Information technology is seen as “the development, implementation, and maintenance of computer hardware and software systems to organize and communicate information electronically” (, 2012).
    Information communication technology also known as ICT is seen as “an umbrella term that includes any communication device or application, encompassing: radio, television, cellular phones, computer and network hardware and software, satellite systems and so on, as well as the various services and applications associated with them, such as videoconferencing and distance learning” (Tech-target, 2012).

    To me information technology identifies that technology is used to produce, store, maintain and develop information for example computers are used to store, produce, maintain and develop information.  Information technology can also be used to retrieve and send information an example is through the use of computers, as emails can be sent or retrieved regarding information and cell phones where messages are sent or received to communicate information to one another.  On the other hand I understand information communications technology as the identification of devices used to store, produce, maintain and develop information.  These devises can include radio, computers, laptops, television and mobile phones.

    In today’s society humans are dependant on technology.  Technology has come along way since the use of a pen and paper to write a letter to communicate with others, to the latest communication tools such as email and cell phones.  It is through the use of technology that humans are able to communicate. Technology would be without a place in society if it wasn’t constantly developing and if it wasn’t for human use.  Without technology there would be no movement of everyday life and no interaction of humans.  Humans rely on technology so heavily now days for example creating this blog; I rely on information from the Internet and from online resources provided by my lecturer.  Bellow is a youtube link to the future vision of information technology.

    I feel that growing up in my generation that I am comfortable and competent in using many different types of technology as I have been brought up using technology.  I use technologies such as my cell phone and laptop every day.  I use my cell phone to communicate with friends and family, I use it as a tool to wake me up, which enables occupation.  I use my laptop to research things, communicate with others through facebook and skype and to do my class work.  I feel that without these devices I would find things difficult.  With out my laptop I would not be able to complete my class work and not be able to communicate with people.  It is simple to say that I depend on technology and most of society does now days.

    Information technology and occupational therapy relate very heavily.  Information technology can be used in occupational therapy to aid in the development of an individuals life.  Information technology can be used to undertake tasks and to develop knowledge of an individual’s impairment.  I have seen first hand information technology being applied in occupational therapy.  Through the aid of technology a 19-year-old boy was able to listen to his music when he wanted by controlling it himself without help from others.  The technology used was a simple pair of speakers that were adapted with a large and easy button which was the controller so the individuals was able to control what song he listened to and how loud it was.  Bellow is a link to YouTube about the use technology can have with occupational therapy.  Tasks are identified which use assistive technology such as cooking and general ADL’s.

    There are some issues, which exist around occupational therapy adoption of information technology systems and tools, these issues are, does the technology actually benefit the client/individual? Does the occupational therapist really know how to operate the equipment? And lastly how reliable is the technology?  For example something as simple as what I mentioned before a set of speakers may not be as simple for an occupational therapist to operate.  That is why it is important as an occupational therapist when prescribing equipment or technology, to gain some background knowledge on the technology or equipment.  Also as an occupational therapy student I rely on my laptop a lot, I envisage when I graduate and practicing occupational therapy that I will still be relying on my laptop in regards to working with clients and researching information, what am I to do if my laptop crashes? Will I lose all my information?  Now day’s technology is relied on heavily but people aren’t prepared for what happens if something was to go wrong with it.

    I personally can envisage information technology becoming a predominant tool in occupational therapy.  This may be because as a society we are becoming more reliant on technology but I truly believe that the use of information technology aids in an individuals/clients life.  For example with the use of technology individuals are able to cook, clean and do ADL’s.  For many individuals the use of technology makes tasks become meaningful and purposeful as they can achieve what they aim to.  The previous YouTube link shows how assistive technology aids in creating a meaningful and purposeful task/activity, this link also shows how assistive technology is changing and becoming a predominant tool in occupational therapy.

    I feel that it is important to have an understanding of information technology as it is becoming more common in today’s society, especially in health professions.  It is through technology that individuals are able to achieve something and focus on something, through setting a goal and using technology individuals are able to achieve things.  Using information technology to enable occupation in our daily lives can sometimes make things easier for individuals, however if the individual does not understand technology and is not confident using it this can cause a problem and occupation may not be enabled.  I feel very strongly that an individual needs to be whiling to use information technology to enable occupation.

    Lastly there are some ethical issues and implications around information technology and transferring information.  This is where the law is involved, as copy right laws are an important aspect of transferring or capturing information.  It is also very important when sharing information such as photos that the individuals in the image give consent. Information technology is always going to have a degree of ethical issues and implications surrounding it.

    References: (2012). Information technology definition. Retrieved from

    Tech – target. (2012). Information Communications technology definition. Retrieved from